The program aims to train highly qualified students for research and teaching in Physiology and Biochemistry, emphasizing the understanding of physiological, biochemical and molecular processes involved in plant development.
Degrees and time to completion
The program offers the degrees of Master and Doctor in Sciences, both full-time, and the maximum time to completion is 28, 48 and 56 months respectively for the Master, Doctor and Straight-through Doctor degree programs.
Research fields
- Plant anatomy and development
- Plant biochemistry and molecular biology
- Plant physiology
How to Apply
Application deadlines and checklist
Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations
Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations Theses and dissertations defended at the University of São Paulo starting in 2001 have been made available for online research and download. The project is associated with the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD), sponsored by UNESCO and provides the option of browsing the Plant Physiology and Biochemistry program catalog by thesis, dissertation, author or college.
Program Coordinator